Dignified life

Hello everyone!

Have you ever thought what is life or right to life?

The right to life is not confined to the protection of any faculty or limb through which life is enjoyed or soul communicates with the outside world but it also includes "the right to live with human dignity", and all that goes with it, namely, the bare necessities of life such as, adequate nutrition, clothing and shelter and facilities for reading, writings and expressing ourselves in diverse forms, freely moving about and mixing and commingling with fellow human being.

Indian Constitution is one of the unique Constitutions of the world which takes care of each and every section of the society. The framers of Constitution were aware of the importance of human dignity and worthiness and therefore they incorporated the word human dignity in the preamble of the Constitution of India.  The most important feature of the Constitution is the fundamental rights. Fundamental rights are guaranteed by the Constitution to all people without any discrimination. The provision of fundamental rights preserve and protects the human dignity. The Judiciary has also emphasized dignity as a fundamental right in number of cases. Recently, in NazFoundation v. Government of NCT and others, Court observed that, “the Constitutional protection of human dignity requires us to acknowledge the value and worth of all individuals as members of our society”. All citizens of India will live and enjoy peaceful, dignified life without any disturbances.

The constitution of India is the supreme law of the land and there is nothing beyond the Constitution. According to the Kelson’s pure law theory the Constitution of India is the grand norm means, it is at the top and there is nothing beyond that. The Constitution of India takes care of every section of the society to protect their rights of individuals and at the same time it restricts the state not to violate the rights of person guaranteed by the Constitution.

Every human life is precious and beautiful. One must pay respect to one’s human dignity. Therefore, it is universally recognised and the foundation of moral vision for the society. After Second World War International community concentrated on Human dignity as a core element for protection of human beings. The conceptual dimensions of human dignity were established in 1948 as the foundational concept of the UDHR. The preamble of UDHR says, ‘where as recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world’. Human dignity mentioned at the outset of the Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948, which is the most important document in the world.  The Universal Declaration of Human Rights provides the preliminary work out for protecting and development of right to life with human dignity in the various constitutional laws of various countries in the world. Every person has inalienable right to live with dignified life without discrimination. They are entitled to claim equal respect from the state as well as from other persons.  It is one of primary duties of each state to protect fundamental rights to the human dignity and implement welfare schemes in order to improve the dignified life of the citizens.
